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Simple wisdom:   The child asked, "Why do you cry?"  "Because I am sad," I said.  Because Meegan is dead and I miss her." I replied.  "But Meegan has been dead for 45 years - why are you still sad?"  "Because the longer she's gone, the more I miss her."  "Will you always be sad?" asked the child.  "Yes," I replied, "but only sometimes."  "Is this one of those times?"  "Yes," I said.  "I love you," said the child.  "I love you, too." and then we both smiled.  Happy Birthday Sweetheart.

"The only thing about always being first, is you don't notice those behind you"

Meegan's Page  

The other night the stars shone brighter in the sky, and it's not surprising, for I know why.  The crickets chirped their loudest song, the air stood still for oh so long.  I know the reason, it can't be wrong.  The world has changed forever.  Now we each must find the star, the song, the flower and the light, that she became a part of, just the other night.  And know that no matter that we seem so far apart.  Our precious Meegan is here, within our heart.  Try not to fail her mission, and slow it with our grief.  Just do the things she wanted done, for everyone's relief.  Love does not diminish because her body's laid to rest, Her spirit will continue, and help us through this test.

Your Uncle Frank


Meegan's Poetry:


The sun, hidden behind the clouds, wants to come out and shine.  It fights, and fights, and fights.  Trying hard to be noticed although it's rays shine through the clouds, the view from below is hazy.  Just like everyone, you see the rays, but do you know the sun is there?  Desperately wanting you to see it?  If you don't, then look harder.  There is more there then what you see.  Meegan


After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul, and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't lead to security and you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and present's aren't promises, and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open.  With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child, and you learn to build all your roads today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight, after a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much.  So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers, and you learn that you really can endure, that you are really strong and you really do have worth.  And you learn and learn.  With every good -bye you learn.  Meegan

Your Name

I wrote your name with raindrops on my window the spring breeze took it away.   I wrote your name on the sandy shore, The ocean waves took it away.   I wrote your name on a rock with my wet finger and the sun took it away.   I wrote your name with the fall leaves, but the winter wind blew it away.  I wrote your name in my heart then someone came and took you away....   Meegan

The Daisy

A single milk white petal clinging to a sad sallow face is all that remains of a once perfect daisy.  He loves me not!   Meegan


I am I.  Do not change me, condemn me, nor put me down.  Accept me for what I am.  No... you need not agree with me.  For I am a total being - I have my faults -- I have my guilts-but that is who I am.  Perfect will never be.  Allow me to be uninhibited.  Do not pressure me.  Accept me when I am flying high as I have accepted you when you were flying high.  Do not put me down, nor make me feel unhappy about me.  I am I and I like being what I am.  Me.


Meegan age 11 � I dreamed last night,

                             I dreamed of mystical and

                             Wonderful places;

                             I dreamed of plants and flower vases.

                             I dreamed of trees and flowers, too;

                             I dreamed of London and Paris, France;

                    I dreamed on land,

                             I dreamed at sea,

                             I dreamed where anyone else could be.

                             I dreamed of Candyland, Bingo and Clue;

                             I dreamed I paddled my own canoe.

                             I dreamed of sunshine, happiness, and glee;

                             I dreamed many wonderful things happened   to ME!



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