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Captain Allen Rockyfrye

08/05/1970 - 03/25/2002

Capt. Frye was admired by all those in the fire company, but especially by the cadre of probationary firefighters who remembered him as someone who enjoyed taking younger firemen under his wing, while helping them learn the basics of the job. In published reports, Capt. Frye's fellow firefighters also remembered him as one of the fire company's more energetic members. A plumber by trade, Capt. Frye showed up for duty at Roslyn Rescue after completing a full day's work. He enjoyed taking part in pickup football, basketball and softball games.
"Capt. Frye was a distinguished leader and a true gentleman," said Mr. Sendach. "Our men and women, who lost a lovable role model last week and two others in September, are doing all they can to make sense of this tragedy and are looking for a way to move on with dignity in spite of it."
Near the end of the eulogy on Friday, Chief Liotta addressed Capt. Frye's , children. , Ashley, A.J. and Taylor Paige, your daddy loved Roslyn Rescue with all his heart---as he did you. And we will be there for you with all of ours."
Capt. Frye's casket was brought out of the church before a sea of blue uniformed men. County Executive Thomas Suozzi and Inspector George Morrish of the Nassau County's 6th Precinct were among those who came to pay their respects. The day before the funeral, Gov. George Pataki paid his respects to the Frye family by attending the wake at the McLaughlin, Kramer, Meigiel Funeral Home in Glen Cove.
A final salute was given by a Nassau County Police helicopter, which performed a ceremonial fly-by, buzzing the crowd. Capt. Frye was buried with full department honors at the Locust Valley Cemetery.

NOT only was Allen a great worker and fire fighter, he was a Great Son and and Honorable friend to all of us.  His parents and Sister and Brother are sadly coping on with out their son and brother.
He was an Angel from the day he was born and he died A HERO WITH ALL THE HONORS-

They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it... Death cannot kill that which never dies. ~ William Penn


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